
MadTeach got its name because I used to teach in Madison, WI, and that used to make me pretty I teach in a large city... totally different scene... but I'm keeping the name. :-)

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Sunday, February 06, 2005

march 2003? what th'....?

One of the things I want to use this blog for, is to collect some of my old notes and ideas from the last two (or more) years. I will be posting them with their original dates, which means they'll appear in the archives. That's why there is suddenly a "March 2003" link in the archives. (Not that you probably noticed (or care), but anyway, that's what I'ma gonna do.) I'm hoping that this, together with the book/article responses, will ultimately help me organize and remember all this vast amount of information and ideas more easily (and maybe, just maybe, get others' feedback on some of it).


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