
MadTeach got its name because I used to teach in Madison, WI, and that used to make me pretty I teach in a large city... totally different scene... but I'm keeping the name. :-)

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

my first day teaching in an 'inner-city' school

wow, today was baaaaad lol. by the end of the day the kids were getting into shoving matches and throwing crayons n balled-up paper around the room, totally ignoring anything i said! fortunately it seems to be bringing out the fighter in me rather than upsetting or depressing me in any way. i'll learn... I know I will learn how to do this...and one day when their little heads are bent over their work I will look back at how far we've come and feel triumphant. actually I can see that they're a great bunch, in spite of it all....just a lot of mischief...

[two hours later]

what am i going to dooooooooooo???? lol...


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